The voting process, which started at 08:00 local time across the country, will continue until 19:00.
It was noted that the Independent Election Board could extend the voting period by one hour if necessary.
Approximately 100,000 people are eligible to vote nationwide 24 million AlgeriansIt is located.
Algerians abroad too Monday, September 2Since then, they have continued to vote by going to the ballot boxes opened in the diplomatic missions in the countries they are in.
In the presidential election, current President Abdülmecid Tebbun, Yusuf Usiş from the Socialist Forces Movement (FFS)And Abdulaali Hassani Sharif of the Movement for Peace Society (MSP)competing.
What had happened?
In Algeria Mass public protests in 2019As a result, Abdülmecid Tebbun became president by winning the elections after Abdülaziz Buteflika was forced to resign after 20 years in power.
President Tebboune, who is still in office at the age of 78, is running as an independent candidate to continue his duty for another term; it is stated that he has the support of the army, media, religious communities, bosses and some political parties and is seen as the favorite of the election.
The main opposition party, the MSP, which is the largest Islamist party in Algeria and has 65 seats in parliament, has also nominated 57-year-old engineer Abdulaali Hassani Sharif as its candidate.
FFS Secretary General Yusuf Usushi, who has 26 deputies in the parliament, was among the candidates as a former journalist and deputy.